The Making Sunday Happen Podcast | Episode BONUS
BONUS EPISODE: THE NEW NORMAL: Leading Your Team into Uncharted Territory with Phil Cooke
Show Notes
Show Notes:
In this Bonus Episode of the Podcast, we welcome back Church Media Consultant Phil Cooke.
Phil has some great insight into how to lead your team through uncharted territory. What does the new normal of Leading our Team look like?
– How does my credibility as a Leader matter more than ever right now?
– How important is it to ditch my assumptions as a leader and admit when I’m wrong?
– How can we start listening to everyone on our team through this time?
– What are some ways to communicate my church’s Post-COVID Plans to my church?
– What are some ways that churches should adopt a gradual approach back in?
– How do you advertise your church more during a crisis?
– How important do you see equal attention being given to the in-person and online worship experiences?
More Resources from Phil Cooke:
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About the Show
The Making Sunday Happen Podcast is the definitive podcast for those who plan, create and execute worship experiences all around the world. This is a legacy podcast where we interviewed hundreds of church leaders, pastors, authors, worship leaders, and church production staff.
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