How to Prepare Your Production Teams for Both In-person And Online Worship Experiences
Your church now has two important worship experiences. Each one is important and valuable in their own specific way. How you prepare and lead your production teams, and really all your teams, during this time will help determine if you continue moving forward and making progress or if you slide back to what was once normal.
I want to challenge you to consider that everything has changed. You now have two opportunities to reach people at your church. No longer can you be consumed with just the “people in your room”, you must consider the “people on your Livestream”.
As you move into this opportunity that God has given your church to expand your reach to those outside the walls of your church I want to encourage you to prepare your Production teams (but really ALL your teams) well. Don’t neglect good preparation. The question is what does good preparation for my teams look like. I wanted to share a few items that I think will help you in this process with your teams.
Dictate the message instead of letting people make assumptions about the future. You need to be active in communicating with each and every member of your team. You need to communicate changes, updates, what is similar, role changes, and everything that is happening.
Leaving people to assume or even worse leaving them out is only going to hurt your ministry. Because you now have two mediums you have to communicate what is different between the two. You now have to marry two opportunities to serve into one overarching team that is going to help facilitate both.
Have a plan, communicate that plan, and follow that plan. If you don’t know what you are doing, how can you expect your team to know what to do? More than ever you are going to need detail and thoughts about how and why things are going to be done. Remember, your team has probably been away from your production environment, maybe a few have stayed engaged but the likelihood that you have had your whole team serving together during these months is slim.
Over time, rust builds up, make sure to have a plan that you can engage with each person about their role. If you are a larger church with a bigger staff team then divide and conquer. Have a plan for Audio, Video, Graphics/Lyrics, Stage transitions, Cameras, etc. Have a leader for each of these and know how each part is going to be affected by having 2 worship experiences.
Use your rehearsal night (maybe a MONDAY) to bring both your online and in-person teams in. Have a mock service where you’re streaming it to a private YouTube link or something where you can do the service the whole way through with both teams working together as you would on a Sunday or when you do it live.
Then send everyone home with encouragement for what you saw that was amazing.
Bring them back in on Wednesday for a meal together. (Reiterate your Vision) Then roll into replaying the service and discussing what was done well and then maybe also show some opportunities to improve. It will be helpful before you launch into that to thank everyone and say that as you do this, this isn’t being done to call one person out its an opportunity for US (you include yourself with your team) to learn and grow.
Then do it for real.
For a while have review links posted after every service. Send an email to the team telling them what God did in the room and online and share the link and ask everyone to review it for personal worship and if they see anything that we can change or improve to drop you a line.
If you have trouble getting feedback, then host another walk through the night and get together with your entire team to talk about a recent stream.
So as you begin this process of changing and adapting you are going to be changing things up. Maybe people who have been in one position on a camera are now running a switcher. Maybe a mobile camera guy is now on a tripod or maybe you are doing a new thing and adding in roaming cameras.
Whatever the new things are your people are going to be learning, adapting, changing, and growing. Please encourage them. For every one piece of input about one thing they can change find a couple of things to praise them about. Lead with encouragement and frame any “failures” in the framework of “Here are some ways you can improve.”
Please don’t just drop suggestions or failure bombs and leave your entire team on the battlefield. Help carry each person with encouragement and actionable ways that each of them can improve their craft.
I love the quote above because it shows what really speaks volumes to people is how you handle failure. Encouraging after success is great, finding a way to encourage after a failure is a game-changer. As things have changed in your church over the last few months handle your teams with care and grace. I promise you they will value it more than ever and in turn, I believe you will your team gravitate toward processing and getting better each time you are together.