The Making Sunday Happen Podcast | Episode 427

Failures in Ministry with Brian Dollar

Show Notes

Show Notes:

Our guest today is Brian Dollar, the author of I Blew It! – and he shares about some of his biggest failures in ministry and how if he’s overcome them and how you can too. 

He is one of the most respected kids pastors in the country, but few people know the path he’s taken.

Failures do not have to define you, instead, he’ll help us see how we can learn from them and move forward.

Way back in Episode 118 of our then Church Media Podcast, our host Carl Barnhill addressed 5 Ways to Develop Young Leaders and touched on similar concepts. One of the points touched on was to allow young leaders to fail. Here’s an excerpt from that episode:

Let your young leaders fail. If the leaders you’re developing never have a chance to fall on their face, they will never get a chance to learn from their mistakes. I’m not saying let them do something crazy or stupid. But if you pass stuff off to them and something messes up – great! Perfect time for a teaching moment. We must allow for failure when developing people. Encourage your young leaders to take calculated risks when it’s appropriate. You yourself know that you have gained the most wisdom and experiences through your mistakes. Failing with you there as their mentor allows them more confidence to not make the same mistakes when the stakes are higher.
– Carl Barnhill


Want to stay connected with our our show host Carl and his special guests? You can find them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Check out what they are doing in their ministries, see what they are working on and drop them an encouraging post, tweet or like.

Follow: Carl Barnhill | [email protected] |   

Follow: Brian Dollar | High Voltage Kid’s Ministry |     


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The Making Sunday Happen Podcast is the definitive podcast for those who plan, create and execute worship experiences all around the world. This is a legacy podcast where we interviewed hundreds of church leaders, pastors, authors, worship leaders, and church production staff.

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