The Making Sunday Happen Podcast | Episode 326

The Case for Heaven with Lee Strobel

Show Notes

Show Notes:

This episode of the show is brought to you by the Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Apologetics.

And Lee Strobel is our guest today.

Lee Strobel is an Athiest turned Christian. He is the former award winning legal editor of the Chicago Tribune. He has written more than 40 books and sold over 14 million copies of those books.

After investigating the evidence for Jesus for nearly two years, Lee became a Christian in 1981.
His journey of discovery was chronicled in his book and the motion picture The Case for Christ.
He has since become a teaching pastor at 3 of America’s largest churches.

We dive deep into his latest book The Case for Heaven and also talk about evangelism and the local church.



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The Making Sunday Happen Podcast is the definitive podcast for those who plan, create and execute worship experiences all around the world. This is a legacy podcast where we interviewed hundreds of church leaders, pastors, authors, worship leaders, and church production staff.

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