The Connected Church News | Episode 203

Meta, Google, ChatGPT, Benz, AI, Web3 // Week 4, Jun 2023

Show Notes

Top 5 Digital, Social Media & Web3 News in 5 mins (Week 4, Jun 2023)

Welcome to Connected Church News! This is a weekly news video for leaders and media teams of Churches, Ministries, Nonprofits, and Faith-based Social Ventures.

In utilizing Meta (formerly Facebook), Google, ChatGPT, Benz, AI, and Web3, churches can effectively convey the Gospel visually, engaging diverse audiences.

Meta’s platform allows churches to host live streams, foster communities, and share visuals, enabling active engagement and connections.

Google’s search capabilities assist in spreading Gospel messages, enhancing visibility among seekers exploring spiritual content passively.

ChatGPT, an AI-driven technology, facilitates the creation of compelling visual content, aiding in conveying spiritual messages seamlessly.

Benz provides an innovative space for visual storytelling, presenting the Gospel in unique and captivating ways.

AI, across various platforms, assists churches in optimizing their visual communication strategies, amplifying the Gospel’s resonance among different demographics.

Web3’s emerging technologies offer new possibilities for immersive and interactive visual Gospel experiences.

Leveraging these platforms enables passive absorption and active engagement with the Gospel. Transitioning seamlessly across these mediums amplifies the message’s reach, resonating deeply with diverse audiences and leaving a profound digital impact.



A Weekly Show with the Top 5 News in 5 Mins – Digital, Social Media & Web3 News you need to know each week. Exclusively packaged for busy leaders of Nonprofits, Churches, Christian ministries, and Faith-based Organizations. Follow more to stay connected.

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About the Show

In The Connected Church News Podcast, Natchi Lazarus shares Digital Marketing, Social Media & Web3 news, strategies, and tips. All for Nonprofits, Churches and Faith-based organizations.

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