Show Notes
Episode 7: It may feel like Christmas has arrived, and the business of the season is most likely in full swing. If you are in student ministry, however, SUMMER CAMP is something you have [hopefully] already thought of. At least once. And if you haven’t nailed down details just yet, we’ve got you covered.
In this episode we take time to talk with Nathan Smith, founder and president, of Journey Camp. With his many years of experience both bringing students to camp and then starting his own, he gives us some quality things to be thinking about when we think summer camp. We can all agree on one thing, when we get students for an extended amount of time, away from the distractions of every day life, God can do some great life change. Whether it be in your youth room, or at a summer camp. Our job is to put them in God’s path and let Him do the rest.
We hope you enjoy this episode!
About the Show
The Youth Room Podcast is a legacy show for youth pastors, youth workers and anyone involved in student ministry. With their humor and unique style, veterans Trevor Miller and Daniel "stallion" Stevanus offer practical advice to help you produce powerful student worship experiences at your church.
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